Who is the god of avengers

 The Avengers are a team of superhero characters who appear in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The team is composed of some of the most powerful and iconic characters in the Marvel universe, including Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk, among others. While the Avengers are not gods in the traditional sense, they are often depicted as having god-like powers and abilities, and they are revered as heroes by many people in the Marvel universe.

One character who could be considered a "god" among the Avengers is Thor, the Asgardian prince of thunder. Thor is the son of Odin, the king of the Norse gods, and he is imbued with godly powers and abilities, including superhuman strength, speed, and durability. Thor is also able to wield Mjolnir, a powerful enchanted hammer that grants him the ability to control the elements and fly.

Another character who could be considered a god among the Avengers is the Hulk, whose incredible strength and durability are the result of his exposure to gamma radiation. The Hulk is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe and has been depicted as having god-like strength and endurance.

While the Avengers are not gods in the traditional sense, they are revered as heroes and protectors by many people in the Marvel universe. They are a powerful team of superheroes who are able to defend the earth against a variety of threats, including powerful villains and extraterrestrial beings. Despite their god-like powers and abilities, the Avengers are human at their core and are driven by a sense of duty, honor, and a desire to protect the innocent.

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